Thursday, October 2, 2008

Dom's Checklist:

  1. Get tyre changed by roadside assistance - check
  2. Have deep and meaningful discussion with roadside assistance guy regarding best looking rims to assign to the volvo - check
  3. Finish banking law report and hand it in tomorrow - *cry*
  4. Get plumbing issue fixed - *ugh*
  5. Stay awake to do banking law report - *weep*
  6. Stay awake and DO banking law report - *sob*
  7. Don't throw up with tiredness and caffeine overdose - maybe/maybe not
  8. Stop saying 'awesome' and 'totally' - tricky/very tricky

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The month in review (also known as: why, why, why?)

  1. Thursday night driving home from class and my rear wheel rips to shreds and has a literal meltdown. Freakout. Think about near death experience driving on three wheels and one rim on the freeway. Freakout.
  2. Saturday night enjoy a nice evening at home with relaxing candles until Marcus' Burberry scarf/tablemat lights on fire. Freakout. Marcus throws his cordial on the burning couture, the scarf is a casualty. Freakout.
  3. Monday night rushing through Banking Law report until Marcus has his late night shower and runs out swathed in only a towel to advise that the ensuite/walk-in-wardrobe is flooded. Freakout. Spend Tuesday A.M. mopping the carpet with every towel in the house.
  4. Tuesday A.M. try to plug in the hairdryer to give the carpet a blowdry only to electrocute self whilst standing in a puddle of water. BUZZZZZZZzzzz. Freakout (Marcus). Bzzzzzz.
  5. Please, stop. Just. Stop.

P.s. It's funny 'cos it's true - Karen Walker, Will & Grace