Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sunday, April 12, 2009

How to Waste Time and Make a Panic Attack

Waste not want not, they say.

i say, why write an essay? (sorry to keep banging drum about it folks. don't worry, home stretch, have only one day left before the deadline...)

So... why write an essay...when you can:

Update your Victoria's Secret Wish Lists! This is mine: HERE.

...and can i just add, they are so darn good at that "we think, if you liked that.. you're gonna love these other 5 items, that are similar, but slightly different, hence why you need them too."

they were right! i did like them! good job!!!

I have spent WAY too much time on Blogger to still not understand technology.

Christian Louboutin at ShopStyle
It's shameful really. Meanwhile... I can colour code, stylise, mix n' match like a real sunnuvabiatch. God I love shopstyle.

What to do when it rains...

There's nothing like an assignment deadline looming overhead to make one scroll through random galleries (thank you news.com.au) and get inspired to just make like Mariah (or Miranda) and fluff up that hairdo y'all...

It must be some unknown slimming secret. Will try, and report back. Over and out.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

If you like white furniture or ever read Little House on the Prarie:

House of Sophie will suit you just fine and dandy. Me, i would worry about crumbs or soup stains.

Reading Materials

New York Magazine -- NYC Guide to Restaurants, Fashion, Nightlife, Shopping, Politics, Movies

...because i like to pore over that which i cannot afford... will it make me a better person? probably not. but it will result in many quiet hours revelling in some other fabulous lifestyle that i forgot to line up for when they were being handed out because i was too busy on ebay stupidly looking for second hand hermes

(don't bother, it's impossible, save yourself the tears because there is no such thing)

Friday, April 10, 2009

Go Fug Yourself: Because Fugly Is The New Pretty

there is nothing like starting easter friday with a quick squiz at Go Fug Yourself: Because Fugly Is The New Pretty

tell me i have not had so much coffee that would convince me i hallucinated the fact that elle is looking like that jo wildenstein with the cat/botox fetish? looking at this makes me want to roll around the floor and shriek "what happened to your face?!"

yes, those are, hands down the BEST LEGS EVER. but, is there now a 'Botox' tool in the Photoshop program? why are we not using the 'Touch Up Roots' function?! i am so ecstatic over those legs, i really couldn't care less what the head looks like, but if we are going to be thorough... i think the roots would have been a good starting point.

i tend to grap my shirt like that when i'm trying to convince myself that it is a complete outfit and no, my underwear will not show.. i just need. to. pull. it. this. way. and. that. way. and it will cover me. just fine. there. no. need. for. pants.