I think you're crazy.
I feel bad for your fiance. It's not enough that he bankrupted himself.
To buy you a piece of Carbon12, you made him sit through 2 hours worth.
Of bridal fashion. At the bridal expo.
Wander through a maze of pamphlets, brochures, business cards.
Teeth-whitening, lipo-sculpting, cake stands, flower arrangements.
Catering, make up artistry.
And you brought your mother and all your sisters.
Every woman he ever met, queued up in front of him whilst he gets weighted down.
Asking your permission to go to the bathroom.
Whilst you discuss all these details you already knew about were going to take place.
Not just once, but seven times.
And once more in Melbourne and Brisbane.
If he goes missing, he will be at the bar with.
Me and B.
Drinking my horror and B's amusement away.
Whilst you enjoy your special slimming tea.