Monday, August 30, 2010

Sunday Brunch

Yes, yes... i know, it's already monday night and i've updated my monday night music recommendation (see my latest here)

But still... don't you find sometimes whilst you're watching a Boston Legal marathon, feeling a bit peckish, slightly sore from pilates reformer class and just a wee bit bored of reading College of Law papers.. don't you find your thoughts drifting into the realm of, 'oooo... sunday at Pasta Zu was scrummy!'

don't you?

Well, next time you're in Mosman... and find yourself thinking about luscious rustic moreish servings of pasta... pop in. My favourite is the smoked salmon spaghetti. YUM!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

...And all that JAZZ

is it just me, or does dark hair and a fresh fringe have a touch of broadway to it? must do some online shopping for tap shoes. that's the only type of footwear i haven't bought this week.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

could it be.... I've signed a sponsorship deal with Witchery??!

No, no, no. I've just been binge shoe shopping at Witchery today! hah!

Why? Because I'm overdue, my precious sequinned ballerina flats are wearing thin. I looked down during this morning's teleconference with San Francisco, and watched in horror as a patch of sequinned leather fell off my shoe and plonked onto legal counsel's office floor. FAIL.

Is this true? Yes, dear reader. I never lie, only exaggerate. But I did reach down and press a stray flap of leather back onto my shoe, and hoped no one noticed the gust of wind as pieces of my shoe flapped around.

Seriously, you need to get new shoes, you say. Ah... I agreed, hence why I raced out of the day's second meeting and charged off to Witchery and got myself the following goodies:

I also got a pair of plain metallic flats... couldn't find a picture of them to throw up here. Now, before I get accused of being reckless, insane, and thoughtless, buying three pairs of shoes from the one store in the ONE SEASON *HORRORS* let me point out what I walked away from:

See? I was actually being super sensible. Although, if I were being incredibly sensible, I would have opted for these, instead of the latte coloured T-bar wedge (which I have OBSESSED over if you must know, which is odd, since I hate wedges, and I don't have an obsessive personality):
Yes, another wedge. Stop the madness.

So I made an executive decision, like Harrison Ford in Air Force 911 (that's 000 here in Australia), and went ALL OUT and got the latte wedges. Why get something that's versatile if it's got a wedge attached to it?

Also, the fact that the latte version of that shoe is sold out at Witchery pretty much EVERYWHERE* just spurred me on. I had to have it. So I could say I have it, and cackle as I try to press down flapping bits of sequinned leather back into my precious ballerina flats.

*By everywhere, I mean Chatswood - I only go to Mosman, Neutral Bay or Chatswood.. but just take my word for it ok. those things are SOLD OUT in store everywhere. and I guess I mean YOUR idea of everywhere.

Ironically, this post follows hot on the heels of my last post which was about, paying off my credit card, and only using it in non-shoe related emergencies. oops. don't worry guys. i TOTALLY budget for these shoes. so spend responsibly as they say in vodka ads xox


Don’t give up guys!! I kept paying it off week by week, and I was lucky, and just received a tax return that helped me with the last of it.

I’m still keeping the card for emergencies (no, not shoes) but I’ve reduced the limit to match what I’ve got in my emergency savings fund.

Good luck everyone!!!