Friday, July 21, 2006

You eat cookie?

"The problems at hand aren't the biggest issues -- focus on preventing future bugs" - today's horoscope from my friendster

not bad really, i like my friendster horoscopes (leo, by the way, refer to my hair - it's true, leos are big on hair) i'm not the type to phone up astrologers etc., but i like picking out the good horoscopes and seeing what everyone else got...

my girlfriend's 4 year old (also my ex's nephew by the way) gave me an excellent fortune on tuesday night

"You will be travelling and coming into a fortune"

OK! So Mr 4 year old (Mr 4), got the chinese cookie (there is actually no such thing as fortune cookies.. also inaccurate is the concept of chop suey, or singapore noodles - call me pedantic if you must, but there is just NO SUCH THING) and i got the fortune, just the way i like it...

This is the last fortune i got, from singapore... to be honest i wasn't quite impressed. No one likes to hear the "L" word in any statement when one has just started recovering from the horror of watching a relationship flush itself down the squat toilet SLOWLY. As my mates from Israel say, "Oei..." Nevertheless, i keep it in my wallet, for the smiley faces.

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