Thursday, April 19, 2007

you know you're turning into your parents


  1. "I was about to say!" is their most common reply to anything you have to say
  2. "That's what your father said last time" is the next most common reply
  3. you rant about how "it's not about the money, it's the principle"
  4. you say "oh, is the teevee broken?" when a black and white scene plays (see no.2)
  5. you talk about how things are different for teenagers these days
  6. you mistake people in clubs for 12 year olds (see no.5)

you're turning into your parents' parents when...

  1. you say things like "blast!" "jeepers" "gosh" "gollygee"
  2. your father asks you why can't you swear like a normal person
  3. you think it's going to rain because your elbows hurt
  4. you wear jumpers in queensland

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