Thursday, August 30, 2007

ironic thought #1

meanwhile, my dog has graduated from puppy preschool..
the certificate is mocking me on the fridge
tomorrow pookie will be teaching me to sit, stay, study
but alas, it will be too late
i am too old and my knees don't bend the right way any longer

uni deadlines looming

oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh!!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

we're bringin sexyback OH!


ps to the brats that buy up all the pre-sale tix and scalp them at 5x the price...if i know you i prob don't want to be friends with you anymore

it isn't a polaroid of my new dress...

but i like it anyway...

Thursday, August 23, 2007

persecution complex

to the person who made me feel
this tiny and this worthless
who are you to judge the decisions i've made
so what if i went my own way
just because it wasn't anyone else's way
doesn't make it of any less value

to the woman who thought it was a competition
i don't want to win your idiot prize
don't sabotage me behind my back
i wasn't going to snatch anything from you
you can take it and keep it

how dare you let me doubt and regret

i hope i never do what you do to people
the only thing i judge by the cover
is a book
and even then i'll still look at
what's on the inside

didn't your parents ever tell you to do that?

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


it has been a week since full moon, and yet the madness is still hanging in the air; like a stormcloud perhaps... more like a bad smell (wet dog) or a bad pimple (use toothpaste-mint and alcohol wipes)
why do people sabotage anything remotely resembling perfection?
at the risk of sounding all Carrie Bradshaw:
why does anything great have to be too good to be true?...
why can't women get no satisfaction???

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

c'est uncroyable~~!

i am the world's biggest wuss...
i talk the talk but no one will ever see me walk the walk
it has taken me until now to finally check my grades for last semester

  1. i have already started fall semester
  2. grades were released the 18th of july - it is now..well, august
  3. i have since the exams turned a year older (so to speak..age is a state of mind however, and mine is 12)
  4. people have given up asking me how did i do in the exams...
  5. i had resigned myself to never knowing until the end of my degree..if the paper didn't show up then i'd figure i must have failed something somewhere
  6. pookie had to lick my hand whilst i checked

after all of that,

i got credits!!!

am pathetic n proud