Monday, June 21, 2010

P-Money - Everything (ft. Vince Harder)

I remember seeing P Money open for The Roots in Newtown many many years ago, when celebrating my birthday didn't make me wonder what stunt was the universe going to pull on me this month..

There's something about this song that makes me feel like I just might groove my way through the week.

Happy Monday everyone xox

Friday, June 18, 2010

Thursday, June 17, 2010

NEW BOOTS NEW BOOTS NEW BOOTS "KNEE HIGH" by Andy T.: "Inwear Knee High Boots, H&M Skirt, Diesel Bag, Zara Blazer"

this is totally the look I am going for...
please can everyone avoid the pretty woman references! mine are CLEARLY suede, NOT latex.
can't wait for saturday to test those babies out!! xox

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Hello jello

Thank god I gatoraded up today before training w brenny. After sprint drills we went for a "light" run from north Sydney down to macmahon's point up to milsons point and then back to north Sydney.. I hate public transport but I looked longingly at every bus that went by.
And now I can't feel my legs.

But amazed I did that well. I haven't run since, well, ever.

- Hot from the iPhone oven xox

No turning back

Calendar invite for discussion w boss Friday morning and for presentation in the afternoon sent and accepted.

Boss said she will talk as much as possible but I'll have to 'drive'. I know she doesn't mean my Volvo.

How did the so called training get turned into a presentation? Omg omg omg.

I completely don't care about my exam for civil litigation tomorrow. I can't hear worry through the roar of the panic attack in my ears.

- Hot from the iPhone oven xox

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Dear apple. U complete me

I just hit what I thought was the zoom out to all windows button forgetting I was on my non Mac work comp.
I just hit F3 essentially.. I don't know what that means for the spreadsheet I was working on. Oops.

- Hot from the iPhone oven xox

To Sir With Love

Attn: The large (presumably judging by the racket
you make stumbling around in the roof above my
head and the by-product you kindly leave on my
car each day) Possum, living rent-free in my
parent’s house.


It has come to my attention (usually between the hours of 11pm to 4am each night/day – why can’t you sit still, don’t you have broadband or foxtel? We ARE technically under the same roof you know) that whilst previously relocated several metres to the left (who makes this legislation up? Don’t they think possums will WALK BACK?!), you have opted, disappointingly, at great cost (apparently it cost $$$ to shift someone to the left, to the left) to return to stomping around in the roof where I live.

Firstly, welcome back. Not really. I was just being polite. I don’t remember seeing a basket of muffins anywhere to say ‘Sorry about the noise. Just moving furniture back in. My son peed on your car, I’ll deal with the bill from the detailer. Cheers.’ Nada. How rude.

Secondly, who does your décor? I’m not offering but I have to wonder why the incessant need to rearrange things every night. If it’s a feng shui issue you needn’t fret, have you not seen how many crystals mum has got going on in the backyard? Trust me, between the dream catchers, the wind chimes, the jagged crystals (mind your step, those things are sharp) and pot plants everywhere, you are all set.

Thirdly, waste management. This is a BIG issue for me. And clearly, judging by the potato sized bundles of joy everyday, it’s also a big issue for you. I’m pleased to see you have no issues with maintaining a high fibre diet. I’m not so pleased that I can see just how high in fibre your diet is. When I went camping I was told to dig a hole and bury it. I don’t recall ever hearing at orientation that it was ok to go on the roof of a Volvo. Mother Nature loves your offerings…. My Swedish made Volvo with limited edition (now fading thanks to your son’s acid reflux) does not.

Also, your child’s bedwetting. I really do sympathise. I’m quite certain I did it into my 5th birthday. But if your birthdays are like dog years then surely your three year old (now 21 years old) is just too old. If my dog doesn’t go in his sleep, I don’t see why your son still goes.

If you disagree, well, we are all entitled to our own opinions (as long as they are the same as mine). Two words: adult diapers. Apparently I will be enjoying these too in my dotage as most women apparently find bladder control an issue later down the track., so your son needn’t feel embarrassed. How ironic since I worked so hard on my bladder control all these years.

That’s all I can think of at the moment. Obviously feel free to provide your feedback. I dislike anything perceived as criticism. Especially from people, pardon me, possums, who use cars as porta-potties. Nevertheless this is a democracy, not a cheerocracy as they say in Bring It On. So…. If you have any comments, just submit them in our letter box. The one your son goes number 1 on. And I’ll attempt to give a fark.

Yours Sincerely,


p.s. stop drinking metho, even my dog thinks your breath reeks

Pass me the paperbag

Welcome to Panic City population me.
I have to provide the training for the legal database for get this.. General Counsel of the parent company, and Senior Partner of a major law firm..... Oh. My. God. How did this happen??

Career keen me is delighted. Performance anxious me is majorly hyperventilating.

I'm just a casual paralegal. WTF happened?

Omg omg omg

- Hot from the iPhone oven xox

Monday, June 14, 2010

I just can't fight it

It seems like I always stumble my way back to all things kitsch during exam periods... once more I have managed to procrastinate and wade my way through the world wide web and landed upon these new don't-need-but-must-have-its:

Contact Lens Case (never mind I have spent the last three months browsing vintage spectacle frames - more about that later, long story short, I thought I'd wear my specs more and up my nerdy quirky quotient)

Pillow Cases (these are less than my stipulated 600 egyptian thread count minimum but it must be the Moccona Instant Coffee talking - mum switched to decaf, did I mention that? Again, long story short, the only things I can get my hands off that are considered stimulating in this house are Dad's cigarettes, Moccona, or Chai)

I can't wait till this exam is over and I can go back to wanting normal things, that I cannot afford.

And not just because it's GFC2 and I am going through a phase of skinflint like never before...which reminds me I SO need to just man up and order another supply of contacts.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Crunch time!

....Exam is this thursday... therefore the Dommy theatre had to be completely restocked. Now playing:

  • Valentine's Day
  • Will & Grace
  • The Hangover
  • 17 Again - the original soundtrack
  • Made of Honour
  • All About Steve - the original soundtrack
P.S. Just watched Grey Gardens featuring Drew Barrymore and Jessica Lange .... I am now majorly dehydrated from weeping. Serves me right from deviating from my usual diet of fluffy television viewing.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Hello lover!

oh i never thought i would come to this moment when i listed a pair of nike runners over and above my beloved adidas collection.... but i have... and i do.... and i love....LOVE love LOVE these new runners i got over the weekend. i have literally NEVER sprinted that fast before. and lord knows i've been trying.

PT Brenny wants to know can he please have a pair too... Nike Zoom Free Everyday .. i haven't even hooked it up to my ipod touch yet. CAN'T WAIT!