Thursday, December 13, 2012

Everything's fine!

Why, did something happen?
haha, I know! I disappeared again! what's my excuse this time, you ask?
Ok here goes, see what you think of this one:
I moved countries and I got married.
How'd I do?  Am I off the hook?
(cue cheeky laugh)

I missed you too!  How've you been?
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Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Thanks Postman Pat!

I hadnt picked up my post for a while... before you panic, the only mail I get is Vogue magazine.... ok, maybe do panic.
Sooooooo I came home tonight to find TWO vogue issues to cuddle with!
There's always a positive way to look at things.
(the bag is an old birthday present I got but only just started overusing it lately)

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Oxford and Yellow

(denim from A/wear; brogues from Asos)

For the last two weeks I've been taking the train in to work.  I can't claim to be one of those people who hates the trains or public transport.  Sometimes it's nice to mingle with this mass of people, and enjoy some collective quiet time looking out the train.  
Or looking at our shoes.

Back in five!

Ahh... vacay. Be right back!
How is your week going? x

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Everything happens for a reason

Love this necklace! Just one of those happy accidents when I walked into a random store on my way back to the hotel in Jakarta.
Utterly meant to be!


Saturday, March 31, 2012

Slideshow: The Week in Style Blogs -- The Cut -- my faves

Happy Friday indeed!  Although it is Saturday here, even better!!  
I love tailored jackets!  What better way to showcase the fab tailoring of the one in this slideshow then in gorgeous navy and white piping.   Paired with slick pants so that it stays the focus.  I heart it!
The other image I picked as a fave from the slideshow is these two girls.  No I don't know who they are either, but they remind me of my bestie and how we love to colour clash FREQUENTLY.  I can't decide if she'd wear the pants or if I would.  I do have a pair of red trousers like that though, incidentally.

What does everyone else read on Saturday mornings over their coffee? 

Friday, March 30, 2012

What's new?

(courtesy Celine)

Well, not these Celine shoppers.
These babies have been circling everyone's must-have lists for YONKS.
There's nothing like feeling, well, cross with someone, to trigger that little synapse in the brain to go from 'Oh, wouldn't it be lovely' to 'buy buy buy' like some frantic stock broker signalling away on the exchange floor.
(It's dividend time so I've got stocks on the brain again, hence weird reference. Let's all pretend my metaphors make complete sense at all other times.)
The main hurdle I've had is, ok well, the main hurdleS I have had are the following:
1. HARD TO FIND in Sydney
2. If found, they are stupidly expensive. No the exchange rate/inflation/tax does not explain the price hike
3. If found, it is with a 'sold' tag attached to it firmly
and, the biggest obstacle of all
4. I can't make up my mind what colour I want.  NO 'all of them' is not an option, at this time.

So tell me, if you could have ANY colour, which would you choose?

You have all weekend, thank gosh it's Friday! x

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Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Nearly nearly

Do you know what this means?!  I finally have Marni (for H&M) print in my wardrobe.  
To be exact, I will, soon.  
This baby is currently hanging in my pal's office waiting for me to fly over next month to pick it up.  She is such an angel and said it's a bribe present from her to get me to go over there.  
*heart melts* 
I can't even describe how excited I am!  About seeing my pal AND my welcome pressie!
I'll probably pick something up whilst I'm there to wear with it... in the meantime, I think it would go great with a contrasting print, or maybe played down with some denim shorts, or some tailored white peg trousers... 
The possibilities are endless! 
Hope you had as great an evening as I did x

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

piggy bank

do you ever collect magazines obsessively, saving them up for reading them altogether for a marathon magazine session?
if i were a squirrel and these babies were nuts, i would be all set for winter.
i only just tore the plastic off my vogue today.. will probably spend the bext week cross referencing it to my bazaar and elle.. who knows how long i will then mull over all my online sources!
dont diss it till you try it!
have a great week everyone, x

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Wish upon a falling star - the ultimate printopia

(images:  Marni for H&M lookbook) 

I remember growing up with an unhealthy obsession with vogue magazine.  Now I realised it's normal (hence the subscription).  I always lingered longest over images of models draped in Marni.  Those gorgeous colours and luscious materials looked exactly what a woman-child would wear.  So girl next door but also style ingenue.
A dream of mine would be to have Marni in my wardrobe.  Right now, that's still a dream, as it is with most people.  But this week the collaboration between Marni and H&M came into existence.
One step closer?  Maybe.
This is what I had on my wishlist, what do you think?  Classic Marni?

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Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Printopia II


(I've been having way too much fun on pixlr-o-matic!  Shirt: asos; jeans: A/wear; boots: asos; bracelet: Anouska London)

I've only just fallen in love with and started gathering printed shirts for my off duty wardrobe this year.
Remember my new shirt from ASOS that I got a few posts ago??
I finally got to wear it out!  I like making sure that the first time I wear a new item that I'm super excited about that it's on a good outing day.
I also had on for the first time a brand new charm bracelet from Anouska London.  The charm is a little gold elephant.  LOVE IT!
For most of the day I had the shirt tucked in to a pair of dark skinny jeans which were tucked into my new but scuffed like crazy boots.
I think I did most of the scuffing, I love them so much, I've been wearing them every weekend.  With everything.  At one point I had on my romper, but hadn't yet taken the boots off.  Because I wasn't ready to say auf weidersehen for the day.

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Saturday, March 3, 2012

Black is the new pink


I wanted to post something rainbow, or at least hot pink and glittery, in the spirit of Mardi Gras (Happy Mardi Gras everyone!) but..... you know what?  I do so love my head to toe black from time to time.  
And M Kerr is demonstrating reason number 1 why that is, over here in Exhibit A. 
How fantastic is the cut of those pants?  Wait, is that a jumpsuit actually?  Strictly speaking, I don't like jumpsuits, but loosely speaking, I love them if they look like this. 
IF this is a jumpsuit here.  Either way I'm liking what I'm seeing.
What's better than head to toe black?  The black on black look.  Paired with that generous but tailored blazer, there's nothing left to do but stand back and applaud.  Just like with cars, black on black is a sleek look.  And it looks easier than it really is.  
Reason number 2 for why I love the head to toe black?  Look how brilliantly all that Louis Vuitton Damier Monogram goes with it.  It's awful when a person clashes with their luggage. 

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Unrequited Love #29 (who's keeping count?)

(Image source: shopbop)

Just when I think I've fallen in love with enough accessories for the year (and it's only February).. along comes.. well THIS.

Everything I ever wanted, for a void I didn't know existed.  Really.

Ticks all the right boxes, such as:
3.1 Phillip Lim. Always good.
Beautiful on the inside. Just like people should be. 
Big enough so I can pretend I need it for work (for all those documents I'll be lugging around). Right.
Yellow. YES!!!  

Should I? Could I?? May I???

Get it if you want it at 3.1 Phillip Lim 31 Hour Bag | SHOPBOP
I won't come between you... I just want it to be happy. 

Friday, February 24, 2012

"could you, you know, put like, a positive spin on it?"

(top & bottom two, all Anya Hindmarch clutches)

Why is it, that it always falls on the heels of someone having given a really really really truly awful 'spin' of things?  Why?!

And so, when I hear that line... I feel as if I have aged 20 years into this grouchy old man (not even one of those happy old fishermen wearing a beret in some provincial town, but one of those REALLY cranky Jack-Nicholson-in-a-bad-but-Oscar-winning-performance-mood-type of characters, except I wouldn't get an Oscar for my performance).

Ok, so maybe it isn't always much of a stretch for me, when it comes to turning into that person, but we're getting into an ugly and off topic area.

Anywhozzle-bees, what's the best way to smile again after landing in the pits?

Easy fix.  Glitter.  Job done!  Especially if it's glitter in the form of a clutch.  That comes off EVERYWHERE.
In your eyebrows (I don't know why I don't know how)
In your nails (less surprising)
In your teeth (true story, but at least it wasn't broccoli)
and all over my dress.

I've never seen a frowning crank holding a glitter covered clutch.  Apart from myself anyway.  And the sun was probably in my eyes because it bounced off all that glitter that time.

p.s. can you tell which is mine?  It's hard to miss.. what do you reckon?  too much hot pink?  I only used it the one time, and am still shaking the glitter out of my hair.  But I adore it, and no... that one is not an Anya Hindmarch.

Meanwhile how much do you love that blush coloured clutch?!

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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Important Tools for Work

Important, actually make that CRUCIAL. 
Coffee and shopping deliveries. 
Ready to work. 
LAWYERED! or if this were twitter #lawyered!

p.s. how great is the colour mint?  and what better than a mint lace loose fit blazer to trot around work in? 

Sanity Check

(Source: duh, Go Fug Yourself, Getty)
I love the Fug polls!
At my work, and maybe it's a lawyer thing, I don't know.. the older lawyers are forever talking about 'sanity checks'.  I resent that it implies that if something is factually inaccurate it suggests that the writer is therefore CERTIFIABLE.  Maybe I am taking things too literally and too personally. 
But can't people just say 'hey, let's double check this' or 'spell check this' or something.  As if lunacy is needs a check anyway.  Crazy is as crazy does, if I'm crazy you'll JUST KNOW.  You won't be checking. 
If in ten years time I am one of those old drones saying 'can you get so and so to SANITY CHECK this' I apologise in advance.  They got me.  
Until then, I'm pretty pleased to say that my vote went the same way that everyone else who cares about what Rachel Taylor did to her hair and her dress voted.  That's 45%.  I love having votes in common with people.  About important things you know.  Like strange black dresses with odd see through panels and wet looking hair that you JUST KNOW took ages to make it look freshly watered but not dripping sodding wet.  I do like her hair like that, but probably not something I'd get away with.  I don't have people who would appreciate the kind of effort that kind of thing takes. 
I should never have champagne on a Sunday night left to my own devices whilst on #GoFugYourself.

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Wednesday, February 1, 2012


This just showed up in my stash of new goodies! How adorable! It combines all my favourite features like man-style shirt, kooky prints and pastel hues. So brilliant for a Friday at the office in the summertime followed by evening Gin&CucumberTonics at an outdoor bar in Sydney.
Am still in two minds about what to wear this Friday for the not one but two 30th birthday parties. It's either my eccentric take on Diane Keaton's look or something chic and simple but in a killer colour like fire engine red.
May end up leaving it up to Sydney's weather as the decider.
Hope everyone is having a great week at work!
Kisses! x

Friday, January 27, 2012

All settled in for the morning


Hola!  It's the Australia Day holiday here, and the office is closed, so am merrily working from home.
Of a kind.
Meanwhile, I watched From Prada to Nada yesterday.  It's a fun movie, although alot of people were up in arms over the amount of fake tan being used etc etc.  I was far too into the cat eyeglasses Camilla Belle wore in the film to worry about tanning shades.
And Cam's eyebrows.
I have ALWAYS really liked her eyebrows.  How better for you to see what I mean than this image of Cam wearing PURPLE (tick) SEQUINS (tick) with FANTASTIC EYEBROW DEFINITION (tick).
I find the older I get the more important it is for me to have my brows defined over and above anything, yes even more important than mascara.  I've tried pencils, brow gel, powder, those fancy pot/brush combos from Laura Mercier.  Recently I've been using a powder + brush combo, which makes for a more subtle effect for me, however, watching the movie yesterday with Cam's eyebrows making a cameo appearance (please don't groan, ok groan if you must) I'm thinking of spending more time (than ever) on the brow defining.
To go with some cats eye glasses.
I just love watching movies that have been out in the ether for ages but only just picking and choosing some style ideas.  I guess, it's a good indicator of the longevity of the thing.

(source: top image from Coolspotters, no reference given; bottom image from 
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Friday, January 20, 2012



ps how do you feel about my new shoes? so comfy, and at last a valid way to wear slippers at the office..

Thursday, January 19, 2012

If in doubt, add sequins

I've had about 2 litres of coffee today, so in case it doesn't seem clear at the end of this post, I think girlfriend here looks GREAT.   Just like a very tan (of course) ray of sunshine. 
Remember all those times I prattled on about bright colours?  Well well well.  What have we here. Clearly someone looked at the colour swatch and thought "I dunno, it's bright, but is it you know, POPPING?" and promptly doused the gown in sequins. 
And rightly so. 
(Is it sequins by the way?  or is it that odd texture fabric that's kind of python printy?  Let's say it's sequins until someone tells us otherwise)
There's nothing like a sparkling dress.  Even if Maria doesn't already get her teeth whitened, I'd be HAPPY to bet my two new pairs of sequinned loafers that this dress would have made them look whiter than rice. 
I wish I had this dress.  I know I say this ALL THE TIME, but I'd wear this baby anywhere.  Even casual Fridays at the office.  

Note to self: discuss new sequinned shoes in next post, and buy whitening toothpaste.

Just quickly:

[Getty Images]

Can you believeeeeeeeeeeeee it?  I know I know, make up blah blah, dress yadda yadda, movie was shot a while ago etc and she was allowed to you know, eat something.  But STILL. She had a gillion piercings.  That kind of thing doesn't just wash off overnight like a badly applied fake tan you know.

oh, right, the dress.  it's alright.  i like what she's done with it.
hair good, face great, dress yes, demure expression brilliant.
tick tick tick tick.
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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

The month long week.

How's everyone's January going?  I haven't had the nicest time at the office the last two weeks (hence the absence).
HOWEVER, there's always a silver sequinned lining to pull me back. Like the Golden Globes! How fun were they?! I haven't been able to pick a fave! If I make a decision, you'll be the first to know =P
Meanwhile, I must say.. if I had this Dolce & Gabbana concoction in my wardrobe to come home to, I might not have felt so ESPECIALLY blue today.
Who could possibly stay gloomy when you're covered in sparkles!!?


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