Friday, February 24, 2012

"could you, you know, put like, a positive spin on it?"

(top & bottom two, all Anya Hindmarch clutches)

Why is it, that it always falls on the heels of someone having given a really really really truly awful 'spin' of things?  Why?!

And so, when I hear that line... I feel as if I have aged 20 years into this grouchy old man (not even one of those happy old fishermen wearing a beret in some provincial town, but one of those REALLY cranky Jack-Nicholson-in-a-bad-but-Oscar-winning-performance-mood-type of characters, except I wouldn't get an Oscar for my performance).

Ok, so maybe it isn't always much of a stretch for me, when it comes to turning into that person, but we're getting into an ugly and off topic area.

Anywhozzle-bees, what's the best way to smile again after landing in the pits?

Easy fix.  Glitter.  Job done!  Especially if it's glitter in the form of a clutch.  That comes off EVERYWHERE.
In your eyebrows (I don't know why I don't know how)
In your nails (less surprising)
In your teeth (true story, but at least it wasn't broccoli)
and all over my dress.

I've never seen a frowning crank holding a glitter covered clutch.  Apart from myself anyway.  And the sun was probably in my eyes because it bounced off all that glitter that time.

p.s. can you tell which is mine?  It's hard to miss.. what do you reckon?  too much hot pink?  I only used it the one time, and am still shaking the glitter out of my hair.  But I adore it, and no... that one is not an Anya Hindmarch.

Meanwhile how much do you love that blush coloured clutch?!

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