Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Never count on sleeping in.

Work starts at 12 today, so like a genius I assume that I can sleep in till 9am.
No such luck... at 8am mum comes in "for a cuddle" (I like cuddling, sure, but not when I'm filling a sleep quota)... and I have to take the boys to school.
Not a big deal in the grand scheme of things, but it was the one thing I was looking forward to...
A snooze, not playing chaueffeur...
So get my brothers in the car, phone rings, brother #1 has left his lunchbox, short argument about whether he should get it (I win, I can't believe he even tried), dodge jaywalking pedestrians like crazy, all the while, the boy looks like he ate lemons for breakfast.

Come home in time to hear my 9am alarm go off...


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