Saturday, January 23, 2010

The plan

So as part of our new year, B and I said we would commit to healthy eating and living.. in theory we would automatically lose some weight. You know, as we aren't getting any younger.. I'm 2010 - 1982 years old which is, like, 135 or something like that. Ouch.

Sigh. I remember when I turned 20 and was upset I would no longer be in my teens. Idiot, I should have known there are worse things. Like, no longer fitting into your Sass & Bides. Kids can be so dumb.

So, apparently, B used to have this like twenty pack blah blah blah. I say, let me know when it shows up.

I went through a phase of being so slim and toned, I was literally in a bikini all the time. And then I met B, and I lasted about a year, until I had to get a real job and it was goodbye 24hr gym/beach/swim sessions. Working in retail gave me the best legs, plus all that running around shopping as quickly as I could on my break did such a good thing to my butt.

Now I have to do lunges and squats to get anything happening. Ugh.

Where was I? Right, so we said we would eat healthy, drink less, exercise more. Nice and vague.

So how are we going?

Let's start with B (not that it is a competition, but if it was, I would want to be winning).

He is still my gym buddy and plays sports. good.
His work has signed his whole team up for bootcamp (ugh, I can't afford that but I don't like it anyway. It combines being yelled at and doing lunges and sprints. Yuck.) I'm like 65% happy that he is getting more exercise opportunities, but like 35% worried this may put him in the lead of our non-competition that I want to win.
He is still drinking coke like it's refreshing from time to time. Hah.
And piles on so much nutella on his sunday toast I worry it will dissolve before lift-off from the plate. Jams and spreads are for amateurs.

We went for Italian one saturday night, and I ordered a ton of salad to go with our pasta. All very yummy and nutritious etc etc. B then poured the oil from the garlic prawns onto his garlic bread... delicious I'm sure, but ??? It's like he thinks that sauce/condiments don't contain calories or have any fat content. I let him order desert since he is Mr Gelato Maniac. He ordered some chocolate sundae thing, and proceeded to chow down the cream next to the ice cream. I didn't have the heart to tell him that whipped cream is the reason why the average woman is size 14-16 in so many countries.

Oh dear.


Well, I said I would drink once a month, exercise as much as possible, and stop eating carbs at night. Sure.
I have since adjusted this to drink once a fortnight, exercise whenever I can, and eating as little carbs as possible at night. I think this is still fair, and then I'll adjust it once I get used to being slightly hungry all the time.
But on the plus, I had my first private pilates class on the reformer/allegro machine thing. I had my session on Thursday night, it is now Saturday, and my entire ribcage/abs hurt when I laugh/sneeze/cough/breathe. My thighs are screaming. My calves vomit when I walk. I LOVE it!

But so darn expensive. Not good, when, I have Leanne and Celly coming over today to the Casa for some Rose and some seafood and I have about $8 to whip up some salsa and salad...

So far we have made it to Day 23 of the new year without any huge hiccups.

So hungry.


My ass hurts.


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